Property building in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
Comfort Inn

Comfort Inn Corner Brook


Comfort Inn Corner Brookへようこそ。コーナーブルック、ニューファンドランド・ラブラドール、カナダに位置する魅力的な3つ星ホテルです。市内中心部からわずか1.7マイルの距離にあり、あらゆるタイプの旅行者に便利でアクセスしやすい立地を提供しています。309のレビューを持つComfort Inn Corner Brookは、地域への訪問者の間で高い評価を受けています。このホテルは、滞在をより快適にするためのさまざまな設備を提供しています。スキー愛好家であるか、快適な宿泊施設をお探しの方にも、Comfort Innが対応しています。無料駐車場の利便性をお楽しみいただき、無料WiFiでつながり続けることができます。ペット同伴可のポリシーにより、愛らしいペットを冒険に連れて行くことができます(追加料金がかかる場合があります)。24時間対応のフロントデスクは、すべてのニーズやリクエストが迅速に対応されることを保証し、敷地内のレストランでは滞在中に美味しい食事を楽しむことができます。Comfort Inn Corner Brookの魅力的な客室には、リラックスした滞在に必要なすべての設備が備わっています。エアコンの快適さをお楽しみいただき、専用バスルームには無料のバスアメニティが備わっています。フラットスクリーンテレビでくつろいだり、無料のビジネスセンターで生産的に過ごしたりできます。ビジネスやプレジャーのために訪れる場合でも、Comfort Inn Corner Brookはすべてのゲストに快適で楽しい体験を提供します。価格は$83からで、予算に配慮した旅行者にとって手頃な選択肢となっています。便利な立地、優れた設備、そして好意的なレビューを兼ね備えたComfort Inn Corner Brookは、カナダのコーナーブルックを訪れる際の滞在先として最適です。今すぐご予約いただき、快適さと便利さをご自身で体験してください。

Bedroom in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
Bedroom, Bed in Comfort Inn Corner Brook



1 クイーンサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド

スーペリア, クイーンサイズ, ソファーベッド






1 クイーンサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド


215 平方フィート

スーペリア, クイーンサイズ, 高層階, ソファーベッド






1 クイーンサイズベッド


215 平方フィート

スーペリア, クイーンサイズ, ハーバービュー, Groundfloor, ペット可






コーナーブルックを探索した後、Comfort Inn Corner BrookのオンサイトレストランであるJungle Jimsで美味しい食事を楽しむことができます。家族向けの雰囲気が漂うこのアメリカンスタイルのレストランは、お腹を満たすのに最適な場所です。ジューシーなバーガーや食欲をそそるサンドイッチが食べたい場合でも、Jungle Jimsには全ての味に対応した多彩なメニューがあります。ホテルの快適さから離れることなく、美味しい料理を堪能してください。

支払いオプションに関して、Comfort Inn Corner Brookはマスターカード、アメリカンエクスプレス、ビザを含む主要なクレジットカードを受け付けています。現金支払いは受け付けていないので、お会計の際にはカードを手元に用意してください。この便利な支払いポリシーは、全てのゲストにストレスフリーなチェックアウト体験を提供します。

Comfort Inn Corner Brookはあなたのニーズに合った様々な部屋タイプを提供しています。カップル向けの居心地の良いスタンダードキングルームから、家族向けの広々としたクイーンルームまで、全ての旅行者に適した部屋があります。各部屋は、エアコン、無料のバスアメニティ、フラットスクリーンテレビなどの設備を備え、滞在中の快適さと便利さを提供するように考えられています。ビジネスやプレジャーのために旅行している場合でも、Comfort Inn Corner Brookで完璧な宿泊施設を見つけることができます。

Property building in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
Lobby or reception in Comfort Inn Corner Brook


歓迎する雰囲気、優れた設備、そして$83から始まる手頃な価格で、Comfort Inn Corner Brookはコーナーブルック訪問中に快適さと便利さを求める旅行者にとって理想的な選択肢です。今すぐご予約いただき、Comfort Inn Corner Brookが地域のトップホテルになった温かいおもてなしを体験してください。

Bedroom, Bed in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
Bedroom, Bed in Comfort Inn Corner Brook










Bathroom in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
Bedroom, Bed in Comfort Inn Corner Brook


Jungle Jims

ファミリーフレンドリー, アメリカン

Breakfast in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
Breakfast in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
Property building in Comfort Inn Corner Brook
No breakfast served. I would of liked coffee and muffins or fruit. Just a little something. This was my first time travelling alone. I lost my husband to cancer and I knew it was time to do this trip on my own. Also, this was my first time booking online. It was so much easier then I ever expected. Thank you for that. I appreciate it so much. I will book through you again!! Thanks, E. Osmond 😀


We booked at last minute and they were very accommodating plus we had our dogs with us. Loved the patio doors great for the dogs. The view was excellent we could see most of the city. The staff were awesome. Would definitely recommend for your stay in cornerbrook.


The check in was very pleasant and knowledgeable with my questions. The cleaning staff were very helpful with my needs. I did not dine at the restaurant on site, but I will stay again and enjoy a meal in my next visit 😊


Very clean and nice hotel, and the location of the hotel had a great view of the city of Corner Brook. Restaurant attached to the hotel was convenient, Jungle Jim’s has great food and friendly employees.


The location was excellent and since I had 2 dogs, it was great that our room was on the ground floor with a patio door that was easy access to let my dogs in and out.


No breakfast served. I would of liked coffee and muffins or fruit. Just a little something. This was my first time travelling alone. I lost my husband to cancer and I knew it was time to do this trip on my own. Also, this was my first time booking online. It was so much easier then I ever expected. Thank you for that. I appreciate it so much. I will book through you again!! Thanks, E. Osmond 😀


We booked at last minute and they were very accommodating plus we had our dogs with us. Loved the patio doors great for the dogs. The view was excellent we could see most of the city. The staff were awesome. Would definitely recommend for your stay in cornerbrook.


The check in was very pleasant and knowledgeable with my questions. The cleaning staff were very helpful with my needs. I did not dine at the restaurant on site, but I will stay again and enjoy a meal in my next visit 😊


Very clean and nice hotel, and the location of the hotel had a great view of the city of Corner Brook. Restaurant attached to the hotel was convenient, Jungle Jim’s has great food and friendly employees.


The location was excellent and since I had 2 dogs, it was great that our room was on the ground floor with a patio door that was easy access to let my dogs in and out.


No breakfast served. I would of liked coffee and muffins or fruit. Just a little something. This was my first time travelling alone. I lost my husband to cancer and I knew it was time to do this trip on my own. Also, this was my first time booking online. It was so much easier then I ever expected. Thank you for that. I appreciate it so much. I will book through you again!! Thanks, E. Osmond 😀


We booked at last minute and they were very accommodating plus we had our dogs with us. Loved the patio doors great for the dogs. The view was excellent we could see most of the city. The staff were awesome. Would definitely recommend for your stay in cornerbrook.


The check in was very pleasant and knowledgeable with my questions. The cleaning staff were very helpful with my needs. I did not dine at the restaurant on site, but I will stay again and enjoy a meal in my next visit 😊


Very clean and nice hotel, and the location of the hotel had a great view of the city of Corner Brook. Restaurant attached to the hotel was convenient, Jungle Jim’s has great food and friendly employees.


The location was excellent and since I had 2 dogs, it was great that our room was on the ground floor with a patio door that was easy access to let my dogs in and out.



41 Maple Valley Rd, Corner Brook, A2H 6T2, ニューファンドランド・ラブラドール, カナダ

Comfort Inn Corner Brook